Why do you drag religion into every issue to promote your hatred? You say Islam is a religion of peace and yet, you kill those who disagree with you. Pakistan is not an Islamic state. Pakistan, under your version of Islam, is an Islamic despotism, where a person is judged by man-made laws and not the laws of God.
The majority of the people in Pakistan may be Muslims, but that does not mean in any sense of the word that they are right. The majority of the Germans also supported Hitler and his policies of Nazism. Did that make Hitler and his Nazism right for Germany? Should the Germans have simply accepted his rule and not challenged it? When Hitler and his Nazi cohorts passsed the Nuremberg laws in 1934, was that right?
The decision of a majority, if not balanced with the rights of a minority, is a legal justification for trynny. Pakistan may be an Islamic republic today, but what happens tomorrow if there is a change in the Pakistani opinion and the majority votes for a secular Pakistan? Will you then accept the decision of the majority? What makes you believe that Pakistan will always be an Islamic republic? Have you seen the end of time that you can make such a claim?
All Muslims honor Prophet Muhummad (PBUH). The question is who gave you and your ilk the right to decide how other Muslims should honor Prophet Muhummad (PBUH) and force them to honor him only in the manner prescribed by you? Who gave you the right to tell other Muslims how to follow their religion?
You say that our will not change anything, but then when have you and your band of killers have ever bothered to listen to the will of those, who have dissented from your version of Islam? You have killed all those you have disagreed with you, because you have no arguments against their reason and so, you silence them with bullets and threats and lies. You and your bunch of religious thugs have denied the right to others to express their will and then you have the incredible audacity to come and inform that our will will not change anything?
For the last 64 years, you have tried and failed to impose your fanatical Islam upon us and the reason why you have failed is because it is our will that is resisting you and it is a will that will keep telling us to resist you, because this is not your Pakistan and we do not want your Pakistan forced down our throats. Our will, even in the darkest times of dispair, is firmly rooted in the dream of a tolerant and a progressive Pakistan as envisioned by Mohammad Ali Jinnah and you may kill us as much as you wish in a physical sense, but you can never kill the dream and the idea of that dream in our hearts and minds.
Who gave you the right and the courage to tell us to be “good Muslims”? Who gave you the authority to judge us as Muslims? Who gave you the power to define who is and who is not a Muslim? When you and Muslims like you kill other Muslims in the very name of religion you and people like you profess, what makes you believe that you are a good Muslim yourself?
When in your actions, deeds and thoughts, you stand for everything which the religion you claim to represent rejects in its teachings, what makes you think you are good a Muslim and better than all other Muslims in the world?
Then, once more, in a brazen act of arrogance you lecture us to find peace by becoming a good Muslim. There can be no peace and there can be no good Muslims when narrow minded, bigoted, intolerant, rejectionist and morally nihilistic people like you and your blood thirsty supporters kill anyone who does not agree with you and your interpretations of Islam.
For Muslims to find peace and be considered as good, people like you and your intolerant mindsets have to be learn to be tolerant to the voices of dissent within Islam. It is people like you with insecure minds that are preventing Muslims from living in peace and as long as illiterates like you judge Muslims, there can be no good Muslim in this world because the real blasphemers are you and your compartiots who profane the religion by judging who is and who is not a Muslim.
Blasphemy laws are man made laws and they will be changed and they can and will be repealed, because they are imperfect, unjust and open to misuse and abuse by people like you and those who support views like yours.
Only a person, steeped in their own self-righteous sense of arrogance, ignorance and disdain will ask others to campaign for their proper implementation, but then encourage others to kill the very people who want to implement them in a proper way and prevent these laws from being abused.
The real blasphemers are people like you who use the blasphemy laws not to protect the honor and dignity of Prophet Muhummad (PBUH), but to protect your own political Machiavellianism justified in the name of Islam.
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