Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Is this Jericho?

Who will guard these walls?
And who will guard the silver thorned rose?
Who will free my memories?
And who will protect my dreams?

Will the touch heal or impale?
Who will watch over the ramparts?
Why does the world cry crocodile tears
When it has no eyes to see the pain?

My memory sails upon the seas of regret,
I wonder in the silence of the night
Is there a sheltered harbor from the storms?

Will I make it to the shore?
Will you give me shelter from the winds of chance?
Will you guide me to the nearest Port of Hope?

Will you stay long enough to say "goodbye" to me?
Will you hunger for me, as I thirst for you?
Will you comfort me when the walls fall?
Will you turn me to the sounds of the trumpet
And my eyes away from the ruins?

Will you remember
I will remember you
When you have forgotten me?

Will you smile and hide my pain?
Will you cry with me
And rejoice in my rejoicing?

Will you remember my voice in the echos of time?
Will you count the grains of memory with me?

Is this Jericho?

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