Friday, November 12, 2010

The Toils of Sin

A Christian woman sentenced to death for committing blasphemy in Pakistan followed by a massive bomb blast, politicans debating non-issues and the prices soaring higher and ever higher out of the reach of the people; no law; no order; no justice and militants and mafia of every sort and hue running amok; the currency devaluing and cheapening life in the process as well and amidst all this the pantomime of rituals continues unabated. Floods and earthquakes later, fatalism turns into a weariness and life moves ahead but without a clue to the direction it is heading while the so-called navigators argue and debate the many points of compass looking confused - unable to tell the difference with a sunrise and a sunset and unable to fix their position.

The United States vamping up its drone missile strikes inside Pakistan and with Pakistan a war zone; its cities the battlegrounds and its hapless peoople dead and dying, what is there left to question?

These are the rewards for the toil of sin and when every injustice is justified and every transgression is appeased this is what happens, the evil created comes to haunt its very fathers. In the name of religion, Pakistan tried to purify itself and it sought and burned all the heretics to its ideals of purity and proclaimed its vision as heavenly blessed. It ruined and destoryed all the laws that stood in the path of  its fanatical zeal to find the proverbial devil of its imaginations and having cut down the laws, like trees in a forest, it now finds there is no place to hide from the devil, which is stalking it and taunting it by unleashing the winds of chaos and anarchy.

Sullen, morose and morgantic, the country limps towards an unpredictable horizon but yet adamant not to seek the balm of introspection and still resentful to reality for blemishing its versions of utopias and always angry at the world for not appreciating its follies, which are mindlessly scapegoated to myriad reasons. When rationales are selectively decided and responsibility is derided and rejected and sought to be escaped from, then the wages of sin; the labor of intolerance, hatred, oppression, injustice, cruelty firmly believed and practiced as a disdain to all that this is human, decent and proper, becomes the face of death.

Everything must change or die and then, the question becomes of what the people are prepared to do to save themselves from themselves for none other they can save themselves and if the Gods wanted to destroy Pakistan, then the Pakistanis are certainly going mad and doing God's work.

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